"Art is a monster - you don't know where it comes from or indeed where it is exactly, but as an artist you have the responsibility of entering the labyrinth and bringing back its head." Sandro Chia
Quilt Gallery
I make a wide variety of quilts, everything from liturgical quilts, to portraits, to landscapes, to abstract international quilts, and some quilts even have their roots in traditional quilting. Click on the thumbnail to see the full version of each quilt. I do hope you enjoy the Gallery, and invite me to your guild to show them to you in person! Have quilts, will travel. The quilts below are in chronological order, from the most recent quilts to the oldest, Hopefully, you will see some growth from when I first began. Click on a quilt to see its enlargement. Some quilts are for sale. If you click or hover to read the caption, you will know which ones are for sale. Enjoy!