I bought these white silk devore scarves, already hemmed and fringed, at Dharma Trading last year, for the outrageous price of $7.99 each. I used my Jacquard silk dyes to dye them, and I think they turned out rather well, eh?
Speaking of Christmas, I spent all of yesterday (Friday the 20th) Christmas shopping. All day. Sheer torture for a Minnesotan because I HATE to spend money; fortunately, once I get the credit card out of my wallet, it's okay and I just keep it going until the credit card company wises up and cuts me off. Luckily, I have more than one credit card.
THEN, I went home and wrapped it all up (having had the smarts to stop at the Dollar Store and get gift wrapping and tags and ribbons and stuff), so now it's DONE and nobody is talking me into going out into that madhouse again.
By the way, I just posted a few Christmas poems I have written under the Essays tab, just for fun!